Collegedale Academy Faculty & Staff
Brent Baldwin
Principal - high school & CA Head of School
Travis Crawford
Associate Principal - high school
Carmen Alvarez
VP of Academics & Registrar
Elizabeth Roth
Office Manager - High School
Dave Djernes
Guidance Counselor - high school
Chris Massengill
Chaplain - high school
Susan Andersen
Math, Resource Coordinator
Brian Arner
Geography, World History, Study Skills
Stan Beasley
Biology, A&P
Ziniah Beasley
Algebra I, Calculus, Statistics
Robert Bolton
Advanced Woods, Home Maintenance
Stella Bradley
English, Composition, Yearbook
Julie Foster
Religion II, IV
Lawrence Galera
Music - choirs & orchestra (9-12)
Obadiah Groft
Tyler Hodges
Religion I & III
Sarah Hunt-Inostroza
English & Journalism
Matthew Lawson
Computer Science & PE/Health
Gregory Lindquist
Band, Chamber Orchestra, Jazz Band
Jennifer Marquez
Spanish I/II, Life Skills
Adam McQuistan
Geometry, Algebra II
Erik Pardo
Athletic Director, PE - High School
Angi Rademacher
French I & II, Spanish I
Amanda Renslow
English & Yearbook
Bud Sinigaglio
Physics/Sciences & Math
Walter Weber
Religion I & II, World History
David White
Government/Economics, U.S. History
Steve Blackburn
Chief Financial Officer
Pamela Davenport
Marketing & Communications
Jenny Sue Hocking
Advancement Associate
Brooke Holland
Curriculum Consultant
Angi Howell
Recruiting & Alumni Relations
Nicole Johnson
Director of Innovation
Keith Nudd
Plant Services
Chad Perry
Senior Accountant
Michael Peel
Director of IT
Greg Phillips
Facilities Manager
Patty Schwarzer
Senior Accountant
Marilee Silverstein
Director of Advancement
Joshua Tyman
Ryan Van Dolson
Assistant Director of IT